Monday, 7 January 2013: 2:00 PM
Room 16B (Austin Convention Center)
The global network of magnetic observatories represents a unique collective asset for the scientific community. Since observatory data record a wide range of physical phenomena, they are also used for a wide range of applications. Historically, magnetic observatories were first established in the 19th century to support global magnetic-field mapping projects, and this application continues to be important today. But since the dawn of the space age and the International Geophysical Year, observatory data have become important for research analysis of the ionosphere, the magnetosphere, and, indirectly, the heliosphere. Over the past couple of solar cycles, magnetic observatories have also played an important role in real-time operational monitoring of the changing conditions of space weather and assessment of ground-level geomagnetic hazards. This diversification and expansion of the observatory-data user community has brought demands for data that meet new and more stringent standards. In cooperation with the many institutes that support magnetic observatories, INTERMAGNET has been helping to coordinate and facilitate observatory modernization and improved operation. In this presentation, we give an overview of the diversity of signals recorded in observatory data, including secular, quiet, storm-time, and solar-cycle variations. We discuss future opportunities, especially for global integration and data sharing.