Monday, 7 January 2013: 4:45 PM
Room 18B (Austin Convention Center)
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a technique that measures tiny wave capillaries on the ocean surface with high resolution remote sensing satellite technology to produce estimates of wind speeds. These are then compared to model data and available observations to ascertain a direction and accuracy.
The objective of the presentation is to promote the use of SAR winds in the operational forecast environment and to show how it can be used to assist analysis of features particularly in data void areas. Data from SAR imagery is used at the Pacific Storm Prediction Centre (PSPC) to help determine the fine scale wind patterns over the complex coastline of British Columbia in support of its operational Marine program.
The poster will show how this technology is used in the PSPC to improve its forecasting capability through the use of a couple of case studies. It will also feature advantages and disadvantages of this technique.