Monday, 7 January 2013: 2:15 PM
Room 12A (Austin Convention Center)
As the global trend to modernize meteorological decision support tools continues, many military aviation agencies are now following suit with their civilian aviation counterparts in overhauling their weather systems. The overarching goal of these modernization projects is to not only keep up with the ever-changing state of computer technologies, but to also streamline weather support operations and forecast generation; using technology to make meteorological support more tailored, agile and accurate. To this end, MeteoStar, a Division of Sutron Corporation, is currently working to deliver an advanced military meteorology workstation system for the Royal Netherlands Air Force's (RNLAF) Joint Meteorology Group (JMG) under the branch's weather system modernization program. This program, known as Project METIS (Meteorological Information System), is a massive undertaking by the JMG to completely revamp and modernize its military aviation meteorological and oceanographic decision support systems. MeteoStar is providing its Leading Environmental Analysis and Display System (LEADSĀ®) workstations, web solutions, and servers to support the JMG's critical operational workflow, web presence, training, and general weather environmental situational awareness. The LEADSĀ® solution will integrate weather observation and forecast data from around the World, along with data from sensors and weather service providers within the Netherlands. With a modern data integration, processing, visualization and dissemination system, the JMG will be able to more efficiently and reliably provide for the safety of their airspace and resources