Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 4:15 PM
Ballroom A (Austin Convention Center)
Over the past several years, through a partnership with NASA's Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) Science Team, NASA and NOAA jointly support NOAA scientists to contribute to the activities of the PMM Science Team (which support algorithm development, product validation and testbed activities related to both TRMM and GPM). These activities contribute to NOAA's Risk Reduction for GPM as they provide NOAA a first-hand experience working with advanced satellite measurement systems and their related processing systems, as well as allowing its scientists to contribute to NASA's research and development for GPM and initiate new NOAA stakeholder interests; these activities benefit both agencies.
This paper will describe some of the key risk reduction accomplishments over the past five years (e.g., new algorithm development and resulting utilization at NOAA, synergistic planning for field campaigns, synergistic use of NASA satellite data to improve NOAA satellite algorithms, etc.) and provide a NOAA perspective on the benefits of this highly successful partnership with NASA, including lessons learned and future plans.