Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 10:45 AM
Room 12A (Austin Convention Center)
The three-dimensional distributions of debris and precipitation will be examined for a variety of debris types and tornado flow types using a large-eddy simulation (LES) model. LES experiments will include single-cell, vortex breakdown, two-cell, and multiple vortex cases. The three-dimensional concentration of the debris is computed for each case to assess the impact of vortex type and turbulence on three-dimensional debris distributions. The results from the LES model will be compared to polarimetric radar observations of tornadic debris. Polarimetric radar observations have revealed a small drop ring that formed around the tornado, which is hypothesized to occur during a vortex breakdown or two-cell vortex. The LES model experiments will examine drop trajectories under different flow conditions to investigate this hypothesis and illuminate possible mechanisms for producing such a drop ring.