Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
In 2010, Japan experienced severe hot summer during last 100 years. According to the prompt reports of heat disorder patients taken to hospitals by ambulance cars (the Fire and Disaster Management Agency) the number of patients were 53,843 from June to August. And, the Vital Statistics of Japan yearly survey reported the number of fatality caused by heat disorders was 1,718 (the highest record from the survey begging 1964). In order to reduce risks for heat disorders, before summer seminars for nurses, care managers and local government staffs were held at 11 cities, and guidebooks explain expedient treatments, preparation for summer, countermeasures and so on were delivers for participants and opened for the public through the Internet. From June to September, Heat Disorder Information System is managed by Ministry of Environment and National Institute for Environmental Studies. It provides 3 hourly WBGT forecasts for 150 cities beyond the day after tomorrow, and reports hourly observed and estimated WBGT last 7 days. The system also provides information to the local government or private sectors through the Internet web site or e-mail. Additionally heat disorder patients report in the week before is issued on every Tuesday by the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, and it warns the actual situation of heat disorder patients.