Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (765.1 kB)
The GOES-R SUVI Level 2+ Phase III products, upon delivery, will present to the forecasters in the NOAA/SWPC Forecast Office preliminary analysis of data from the GOES-R series Solar UltraViolet Imager instruments. This preliminary analysis will include identification of solar coronal hole boundaries, solar bright region statistics, solar flare locations, and total irradiance for each of the SUVI EUV channels. These products will add to the forecasters' ability to determine the impact due to the solar wind to the Earth's magnetosphere and the potential for ionospheric disturbances due to increased EUV irradiance. Presented here are brief explanations of the individual products and a demonstration of the current versions of each product.