NDE Product Generation (PG) produces NOAA Unique Products (NUPs) and Tailored products
NUPs are NOAA developed science algorithms which produce products unique from Suomi NPP standard products (e.g. Environmental Data Records (EDRs))
o NUPs include legacy equivalent products and new product algorithms o Product developers (e.g. NOAA STAR) provide algorithms to NDE via Delivered Algorithm Packages (DAPs) o DAP delivery, integration, and testing processes are governed by the Standards for Algorithm Delivery and Integration Using Delivered Algorithm Packages V1.3 (aka DAP document)
NUP algorithms are plug-and-play within NDE PG and the NDE PG provides: o XML based production rules that allow specification of data inputs based on spatial and temporal location, data quality, availability, and other criteria that determine when a algorithm should execute o Event based algorithms initiation determined by arrival of inputs that match criteria specified by the production rule o Workflow management and chaining of algorithms and tailoring executions o Resource load balancing and management o Interfaces to archive and distribute created data products
The NDE PG also provides a product tailoring framework that allows for o XML definable product rules that provide aggregation, subsampling, filtering and subsetting of data products o Reformatting o Re-sampling (higher or lower resolution) o Generation of imagery in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GEO-TIFF, and GIF formats o Mapping of imagery into stereographic, mercator, and equal-area cylindrical projections
NDE does not alter science algorithms The NDE system is designed to be very flexible in integrating new science algorithms and generating new weather products. The NDE System has been partitioned into Operational (OPS), System Test (TEST), and Development (DEV) Environments for the seamless transition of science algorithms from development to operations in a timely fashion. The completed NDE is due to transition to the Office of Satellite Products and Operations (OSPO) at NSOF in 2013.