The initial derivation employs the Transformation of Algorithms in FORTRAN (TAF) automatic adjoint generation tool. Basic features such as connections to the Earth System Modeling Framework and to GFDL's Flexible Modeling System have been hand-treated to maintain parallel scalability and consistency with the MPI communications to those of the nonlinear hydrodynamics. Additionally, the interplay between recomputation and checkpointing, largely affecting memory usage, is being addressed in different ways, namely by: investigating various options of the piece-wise parabolic method participating in the dynamics; implementing simplifications to the internal time-split option; and pre-calculating interpolation coefficients involved in the transformations converting points on the cubed-grid to their closest latitude-longitude on a regular grid (these being required to interface the TL and AD models with the Grid-point Statistical analysis system used in the GEOS DAS). Along with various standard TL and AD sanity checks, results using the cubed-sphere AD model in the observation impact calculations will be discussed in this presentation.