Thursday, 10 January 2013: 11:30 AM
Room 11AB (Austin Convention Center)
Web Meteorology Geographic Information System (Web MeteoGIS) is a web-based meteorological GIS platform of independent intelligent properties. It not only implements common WebGIS technology,such as web map service, spatial analysis, thematic mapping, but also integrates meteorological data models and algorithms in a standard way. It could publish massive meteorological data efficiently through Internet, and provide efficient meteorological processing and analysis functions in an interactive web-based way, support standard capabilities such as OGC's web map and other services. Based on Web MeteoGIS developing kits, NMC developed Severe Weather Automatic Nowcasting system, it can easily overlayer kinds of observing data(AWS, radar, satellite,etc), numerical models and forecast products, forecasters can detect and position the hazard weather areas quickly with high-resolution web map, receive warning messages,and make decisions and notifications through this web-based system. the network message in this system connects forecasters, decision-makers and the public, play an important part in emergency response collaboration . Key words: Web Meteorology Geographic Information System, Weather Monitering,Weather Warning, Web Development Platform,Emergency Response.