Thursday, 10 January 2013: 2:15 PM
Room 12A (Austin Convention Center)
When your organization is collaborating with the Federal Government, what are the Government's expectations with the handling of your data or software, and what can you expect from the Federal Government? What do data rights look like when you're delivering data or software under a government contract, a government grant, a CRADA or some other agreement involving the Federal Government? How much control can the Government assert on how you share (or can't share) your data or software? How much control can you assert over the Government's use of your data or software? During this session from the perspective of one DoD agency, we hope to have a discussion on what you can do to make sure the goals you have for your data and software align with the government agency you're working with. In addition, the rights of software and data will be delineated, and the rights of software code vs. binary software will be differentiated.