The National Weather Forecast Database (NWFD) is a comprehensive database system of the China Meteorological Administration. It is an operational open data platform which supports the information processing of the nationwide fundamental weather forecast. The NWFD is designed and developed by the National Meteorological Center, and put into operation since 2008. It consists of one NWFD server , which is deployed in the National Meteorological Center , and several Local Weather Forecast Database (LWFD) servers , which now experimentally runs in 20 provincial meteorological bureaus and will serve all 31 ones in the near future. The most important function of NWFD server is the creating, distributing and sharing of national objective guidance forecast data, including 24 to 168 hours 2,700 town site forecast, 24 hours largest refined forecasts, and gridded guidance forecast data (0.28125° x 0.28125°). There are more than 20 forecast elements, such as temperature, relative humidity, wind, weather condition, precipitation and etc., In the guidance forecast which is provided to provincial forecasters for referencing and using. Another main function of the NWFD server is the processing and publishing unified nationwide forecast results. After the NWFD server collects the artificial forecast of provincial forecaster by the way of the data packets or message queues, quality control, replacement, consistency check, grid data generating and other processing will be carried out in turn. At last, the 2400 stations 24 to 168 hours unified forecast results is published in an ultimate and authoritative way, and is immediately provided to the public and the media . The LWFD server is a distributed provincial node of the NWFD server. It is a little different from the NWFD server in functions. Firstly, the LWFD server provides the storage and management of guidance forecast data published by the NWFD server. Secondly, it uses an open data template technique to define and support the storage and management of the province-specialized forecast data, which includes the provincial refined guidance forecast, the provincial small villages and town's forecast, the provincial gridded forecast and other more forecast data. Moreover, the LWFD server provides forecast verification service. The National Meteorological Center continues to enhance the functions of NWFD. This year, A new version NWFD will be released, and more data templates will be supported to store, manage more forecast data such as non-deterministic forecast, and now-casting data, also online collaborative forecasting will be achieved by the mishap of NWFD, Message Queues, MICAPS and other techniques .