Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 12:00 AM
Ballroom F (Austin Convention Center)
Global numerical simulations of climate have evolved to include the radiative impacts of sea-salt and various ocean derived gases and particles. Sea-salt has long been known to change the composition of the atmosphere as well as altering the radiation distribution, hence heating rates, of the marine boundary layer. In addition to the physical impacts on tropospheric radiation directly, chemical species derived from sea-salt aerosols have proven to be important. Halogen chemistry is critical to the production and destruction of a variety of radiatively important trace species and the details of how halogens, associated with sea-salt, interact with multi-phase chemistry to influence tropospheric chemistry has long been an active area of research. Here I will expound on recent modeling activities that include multi-phase atmospheric chemistry in global climate models with attendant impacts on atmospheric composition, radiation and climate statistics.