Thursday, 10 January 2013: 2:15 PM
Room 11AB (Austin Convention Center)
Jordan Bentley, AER, Lexington, MA; and R. Feather, B. O'Reilly, M. Sze, and T. S. Zaccheo
Data products and information provided by GOES-R Ground System (GS) represents a significant increase in the data currently being produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) System. In order to accommodate this increase in data volume, new tools are needed to monitor the performance of these products in an operational environment. Inspect & Analyze, a software application currently under development as part of the GOES-R Ground Segment, is designed to provide operators with the means to quickly analyze products as they are generated so that anomalies can be detected in near-real time. To achieve this goal, Inspect & Analyze has been designed with an intuitive graphical interface customized for the GOES-R mission.
The Inspect & Analyze software allows NOAA operators to display product data in both tabular and graphical form, as well as assess relevant metadata and metrics. Images are rendered in real time from large datasets, and operators can interact with an image through the pan and zoom functionality. Metrics for a time series can be displayed as a graph, and include Product Repeatability, which assess product performance based on the idea that similar inputs should produce similar outputs.
Inspect & Analyze has been designed with the knowledge that new products may be added to the GOES-R program in the future. In this design, new products as well as application tailoring are driven by XML-based configuration, and require no modifications to the existing code base. Features such as geopolitical map overlays or different pseudo-coloring schemes may be added or removed by modifying only the XML definition.
This talk will discuss the both the underlying design of Inspect & Analyze as well as its practical application to the GOES-R mission.

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