Thursday, 10 January 2013: 2:00 PM
Room 16A (Austin Convention Center)
Photochemical grid modeling of the Houston, Texas area is challenging, due to the complex coastal circulations, the multitude of industrial emissions sources, and the typical challenges of simulating ozone for a city of over five million people. The sea breeze circulation and emission plumes released by chemical facilities have relatively small-scale structures; these structures may be simulated more accurately with higher resolution grid modeling than is typically used. This WRF and CAMx modeling study of 2005-2006 ozone episodes presents results of modeling of southeastern Texas at varying spatial resolutions. Model comparisons to observations demonstrate how grid size and related parameterizations affect the modeling system's ability to simulate ozone and precursor concentrations. Chemical process analysis results show how ozone production rates and sensitivities to varying emissions are influenced by model resolution.