Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 4:45 PM
Room 12A (Austin Convention Center)
The Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) is an application for analyzing and visualizing geoscience data. The IDV has recently undergone improvements we would like to highlight to our community. These advancements are targeted in the areas of model analysis, data integration, and publication quality graphics according to feedback from our stakeholders. In the model analysis arena, the IDV has enhanced capability for statistical analysis of ensemble model output. Averages, probabilities, and other statistical quantities can be computed and visualized for ensemble model output leading to a clear view of ensemble forecast distribution. In the area of data integration, the IDV has new time matching capabilities allowing users to intelligently combine multiple datasets over the time dimension. Lastly, in the area of publication quality graphics, the IDV has new multi-view image and movie capture features as well as axis labeling advancements for improved publication figures.