The subsequent phases of AWIPS Technology Infusion, known as AWIPS II Extended, include several projects that will improve technological capabilities of AWIPS II in order to enhance the NWS enterprise and improve services to partners.
This paper summarizes AWIPS II Extended Collaboration project and reports on its status. The AWIPS II Collaboration Project is multiphase project. The initial phase is focused on internal collaboration that is collaboration that occurs between NWS AWIPS sites, e.g., Weather Service Forecast Offices (WFOs), River Forecaster Centers (RFCs), Central Weather Service Units (CWSUs), and National Centers (NCs). Follow-on phases will enhance internal collaboration capabilities based on user-feedback and address external collaboration requirements that are requirements to collaborate with external partners.
At a high level, internal collaboration capabilities include text chat, the sharing of AWIPS II Common AWIPS Visualization Environment (CAVE) displays, and drawing and sharing of meteorological objects, e.g., fronts.