We find that storms that are deepening and that track from the SW exhibit the lowest predictability in terms of the highest ensemble spread and largest ensemble initial condition sensitivity. Decaying storms and storms that track from the NW have the highest predictability. The latitude of the storm when it makes landfall is also related to predictability. Storms that end south of 40°N exhibit higher predictability than storms ending further north regardless of whether they are deepening or decaying over the 24-h period. Composites of 500 hPa heights and sea level pressure at initial and 24-h forecast times were made for storms that are characterized by particular combinations of ensemble spread and ensemble sensitivity. Among our results, we found that the 500 hPa heights and sea level pressure composites for storms that have large ensemble spread and high initial condition ensemble sensitivity (case A) are quite different from storms that have large ensemble spread and low initial condition ensemble sensitivity (case B). The case A storms showed amplification of the upper level trough and deepening of the surface low over the 24-h period. In contrast, case B storms were already rather deep at the initial time and did not undergo further amplification over the forecast period and were further north than case A storms. These results imply that the low predictability (high ensemble spread at forecast time) for case B storms could be due to either large errors at the initial time or due to small errors in cyclone position at the forecast time which appears as large ensemble spread since the surface lows are deep. These results highlight particular synoptic situations and cyclone characteristics that are associated with low predictability and can be used to improve operational modeling/data assimilation systems.