Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 1:30 PM
Ballroom A (Austin Convention Center)
The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) is a multi-partner agency which focuses on the coordination and acceleration of research and satellite data application to current state-of-the-art Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) assimilation systems and forecast models. In order to achieve these objectives, two essential elements are deemed critical, namely a robust Operations to Research (O2R) environment and a streamlined Research to Operations (R2O) environment. The JCSDA and its partners are working toward building these environments and making them available to their affiliated scientists. The JCSDA supercomputer (JIBB) and the NESDIS -University of Wisconsin hosted- supercomputer (S4) have been used in the last two years to implement this R2O/O2R infrastructure. The details of these resources in support of the overall objectives of the JCSDA are presented. Lessons learned and recommendations for an effective O2R and a streamlined R2O will also be presented. It is found that to facilitate effective O2R activities, emphasis must be given to providing researchers the necessary computing resources as well as the tools (codes and libraries) consistent with those in operational environments. The synchronization (and regular update) of these codes to match operational software versions, as well as a solid system maintenance is deemed as important. In addition, the actual use of these tools by the research scientists, must be encouraged (and enforced) when executing data assimilation experiments, in order to maintain relevance of the research for potential R2O transitions. Code portability across system platforms is also an important factor. As for the R2O environment, the JCSDA framework aims for a greater transparency in the R2O process by formalizing the procedure and promoting a greater collaboration between researchers and the operational science partners, so that the researchers better understand the required procedures and protocols to follow the R2O path, such as coding standards and rigorous testing.