The presentation will show how Metview is used for day-to-day tasks in operations to monitor the model's input and output data. For this a large number of data and visual products are generated. The powerful interactive user interface enables analysts to quickly investigate special cases.
It will be demonstrated how the high level interface lets researchers quickly prototype products on new data types developed at ECMWF. Users can then let Metview generate a script which can be run in batch. Metview developments are tightly synchronised with other developments at ECMWF; upcoming changes in its forecast system, archive or new technical developments are anticipated well in advance by Metview.
The talk will give updates on new Metview modules which have been developed to provide users easy access to meteorological and non-meteorological OGC web services. The service-oriented design of Metview has been very beneficial in integrating these kinds of services.
Version 4 of Metview is now available under an Open Source license to open up the extensive functionality to the wider research community to realise the full potential of ECMWF data.