Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction Support System (MAPSS) is a customized Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system based on Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. MAPSS integrates all local data available and uses the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) and Four Dimensional Data Assimilation (FDDA) for data assimilation and model initialization. Multiple high resolution nests can be run depending on the customer requirements and available hardware.
Aviation Weather Decision Support System (AWDSS) combines multipe instrumentation sources such as weather radars, microwave profiling radiometers, radar wind profilers, lidars, and output from MAPSS to detect and predict weather phenomena that are hazardous to aviation. Weather hazards detected and predicted in AWDSS include fog detection and burnoff estimation, inversion strength and trending, microbursts, gust fronts, wind shear affecting approach and departure corridoors, thunderstorm location and movment, and general NWP forecast products such as turbulence, ceiling, visibility, lightning activity, etc. Customized data and product displays are built for both aviation forecasters and Air Traffic Controllers.
Lightning Decision Support System (LDSS) uses data from lightning detection networks integrated with radar data when available to produce nowcasts out to 60 minutes in advance of lightning location and intensity. This is coupled with databases of customer asset locations to provide automated warnings of lightning activity and Estimated Times of Arrival/Departure for given customer assets.
This abstract has briefly discussed the types of research and technologies WDT has transferred to operational settings internationally. The purpose of this presentation will be to discuss these types of transfers to national weather services and other clients in the international marketplace.