Thursday, 10 January 2013: 11:45 AM
Room 16A (Austin Convention Center)
Near-surface ozone depletion events regularly occur during the austral spring in the Ross Island region, Antarctica. Recently, a network of five low-power ozone sensors was installed co-located with automatic weather stations in the Ross Island region. The chemical mechanism for the ozone depletion is dependent on sunlight and a source of bromine. The meteorology of the region plays a role in the activation and long-range transport of the bromine. Past ozone depletion events are studied with a focus on the meteorology related to the ozone loss. Observations from automatic weather stations are evaluated to identify common patterns in relation to ozone depletion events. Analyzing the numerical weather prediction output of the Antarctic Mesoscale Predication System completes the study of the meteorology in the region. Additionally, back trajectories are analyzed in an attempt to better identify the bromine source regions. The cumulative results of these meteorological analyses provide a better understanding of the conditions frequently associated with the ozone depletion events of the Ross Island region.