Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 1:30 PM
Room 5ABC (Austin Convention Center)
Aerosols can alter cloud properties, precipitation and radiation budget via various mechanisms. Identification of such effects associated with the aerosol indirect effects (AIE) has been a major challenge, for the convolution of the effects with meteorological influences. The availability of extensive coherent measurements of aerosol and meteorological variables from ground-based, space-borne and airborne sensors have accumulated such ample data from which it is possible to detect the impact of aerosol on cloud, precipitation and radiation budget from the influences of meteorological variables, although attribution and quantification are always fraught with uncertainties and difficulties. Well-designed field campaigns and careful analysis of multiple datasets are required to address this issue from observation viewpoint. In this talk, I will present some sound observational evidences obtained from a variety of platforms including satellite sensors (e.g., A-train), conventional meteorological stations, and extensive and high-quality ground-based observations such as the US Dept of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM). ARM has provided such rich information, it is possible to investigate the climatological effects of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions beyond case-by-case studies, Despite ever-escalating efforts and the virtually exponential increase in published studies concerning aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions, we are still puzzled by many seemingly contradictory findings, attesting to the complexity of the problem.