Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 4:15 PM
Room 5ABC (Austin Convention Center)
Recent studies have explored the potential indirect effects of increased anthropogenic aerosol loading on the strength and cumulative precipitation of both supercells and squall lines using various microphysics models. Moreover, various approaches to including the aerosol effects on the cloud processes have been employed, including adjusting the cloud droplet number concentration to mimic changes in aerosol number concentration to implementing a binned aerosol size distribution and an explicit activation algorithm. However, these studies lack explicit treatment of activated aerosol particles, i.e., aerosols in cloud droplets, and thus the redistribution of aerosol particles due to cloud processing. In this study, we implement an explicit treatment of aerosol processing via cloud microphysics using a state-of-the-art 2-moment aerosol scheme. The aerosol processing rates are parameterized using a detailed 2-dimensional bin microphysics model. Results using the parameterized aerosol processing rates coupled to a detailed 2-moment bulk microphysics model are compared with both the bulk model without aerosol processing and a the more detailed 2-dimensional bin microphysics scheme.