Monday, 7 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (918.6 kB)
The CrIS sensor was launched on the Suomi NPP spacecraft October 28, 2011. Early-orbit checkout has been completed and the sensor is currently in the intensive calibration and validation phase. Early-orbit checkout included verifying proper sensor performance and tuning parameters such as gains and bit-trim masks for optimum sensor performance. An important sensor performance metric is NEdN (Noise Equivalent Differential Noise). NEdN was verified during sensor checkout and will be monitored throughout the life of the mission. The NEdN and sensor responsivity will be monitored through the mission to check for contamination of optical surfaces as well as for detector or electronics degradation. During intensive calibration the focus of the effort is to validate the sensor radiometric and spectral calibration and to insuring that calibrated spectra are properly geolocated on the earth. An important part of validating radiometric performance is to compare CrIS results with other sensors such as VIIRS that is hosted on the same spacecraft as CrIS as well as other spacecraft and ground based measurements. It is particularly important to have good CrIS cross-calibration with AIRS on the Aqua and IASI on MetOP spacecrafts to insure continuity of climate records.
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