Thursday, 10 January 2013: 8:30 AM
Room 11AB (Austin Convention Center)
The AMS Board on Enterprise Planning has a charge to examine social media and hazard mapping by engaging the Weather Enterprise at relevant partnership meetings and to update the community on challenges and opportunities. In parallel, NOAA's National Weather Service has embarked upon the use of social media within an experimental environment and is capturing requirements for emerging services. Social media is used at the NWS to augment current dissemination efforts by the weather forecast and river forecasting offices. Timely forecast prior to severe weather event is critical to the mission of the NWS; however, communication is two-way and the capabilities stemming from new media and crowd sourcing are likely to have significant operational implications. Dissemination of impact-based information is essential along with increased geospatial and risk-informed decision support, yet how does the affected community communicate and what is the role of the public as voluntary participants. The topic complements on-going studies of the BEP and will ensure enhanced cooperation among public-private partners. This talk will report out on a review of social media and crowdsourcing as it impacts the Weather Enterprise. The review is not intended to be comprehensive, but raises awareness of opportunities and challenges of the growing social media presence.