From dynamical perspective, smoke and dust particles over southern and northern Africa are strongly correlated with the flow south of the easterly jet in the positive vorticity core at 500-650 hPa. This study suggests that African dust and smoke particles interact with convective systems of the Hadley and zonal circulations in the tropical African region, with possible connections to subtropical flow from Africa to the middle-east in the middle troposphere. From radiation point of view, the range of long-term averaged atmospheric heating due to dust and smoke in the MERRA data-set is from 10 to 35 Wm-2. During warm seasons aerosol optical depth (AOD) of Saharan dust and southern African smoke have a significant positive correlation with precipitation in the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) which is accompanied by a negative correlation with the low level monsoon jets. These results indicate a significant relationship between African aerosol forcing and precipitation in the ITCZ.