Monday, 7 January 2013: 11:30 AM
Room 14 (Austin Convention Center)
During the period of 2010 through 2012, ozonesondes were launched during summer period (JJAS) to examine ozone variability associated with the Saharan Air Layer and African Easterly Waves. One common denominator in the ozone measurements is the strong tendency for the middle to upper troposphere (400-300 hPa) to have the highest ozone mixing ratios during the summer. Further, as it relates to AEWs, ozone-mixing ratios are higher for pre-trough condition and lower in post-trough conditions. Finally we show that ozone mixing ratios in Senegal are considerably higher than those of Cape Verde or downstream Barbados, indicating that greater influence of continental lightning and the production of NOX (LNOX) on elevated ozone mixing ratios.