Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 9:45 AM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
In early April 2012 total lightning data from the West Texas Lightning Mapping Array (WTLMA) was made available in the NWS Lubbock Forecast Office. Centered on Lubbock County and providing detection of total lightning from New Mexico to Oklahoma, the WTLMA consists of ten New Mexico Tech LMA sensors. The accompanying LiveLMA software allowed us to deliver data in real-time streaming mode with 1 s latency to the forecast office. Use of WTLMA data to monitor convective trends will be illustrated with examples from severe weather operations. We also illustrate the advantages of total lightning data in decision support situations where low latency and flash extent information provided useful additional insight to emergency managers and outdoor event planners. In support of real-time operations, two training modules and a quick-reference sheet have also been developed to strengthen the ties between lightning and meteorological conceptual models by relating storm electrification to storm morphology. These materials were used off-line and in real-time to frame interpretation of the data as Texas Tech University and NWS personnel interacted.