Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Atmospheric observations (ozone (O3), thermodynamic and dynamic) were carried out at Husbands St. James, Barbados (13.1° N, 59.1° W), recording data associated with Hurricane Daniel on August 24th (@1500 UTC - 16.6° N, 46.5°) and August 25th (@1500 UTC 19.6° N, 52.3°) 2010. Preliminary results showed that tropospheric O3 is increased in the vicinity of 500mb and 250mb in air advected from Hurricane Daniel with a possible LNOX connection. . Lightning data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) is used to determine the location and amount of lightning strikes associated with Hurricane Daniel. Lagrangian back trajectories are determined using Flexpart and HYSPLIT to determine the origin of the enriched ozone mixing ratios. NCEP and the Weather and Research Model is used input for back-trajectory calculations.