Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 4:45 PM
Room 6B (Austin Convention Center)
Multiangle remote sensing, in particular from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), provides a unique, independent source of data for studying dust emission and transport through the combination of multi-spectral and multi-angle observations that can be used to retrieve aerosol properties and stereo heights. We examine the nearly 13-year MISR data record of aerosol optical depth (AOD), optical properties, and dust heights in some of the world's largest dust source regions and along dust transport routes. Within each selected region, we analyze the multi-annual mean and variability of AOD and particle properties, taking into account the effects of MISR sampling and cloud coverage. We use AERONET, available meteorological data, and observations from other satellites to supplement and constrain MISR results. In addition to AOD/optical property analyses, we report the climatology of MISR stereo plume heights and winds over the Bodélé Basin and the Taklimakan Desert. We demonstrate that, while there are some effects of large-scale dynamics on dust properties and heights, the various differences in anomaly time series (including month-to-month differences) reveal the role of mesoscale systems specific to the each source region. These source-specific differences provide valuable information for testing/validating regional dust transport models. The results will be presented and interpreted in the context of atmospheric variability, including variability of meteorological regimes in dust sources and the large-scale atmospheric circulation features controlling the trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific dust transport.