Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
The at-launch VIIRS calibration algorithm process involves updating a Look Up Table (LUT) that scales the pre-launch calibration coefficients to the current measured coefficients. The LUT update cadence is chosen to minimize the calibration difference between LUT updates as this has negative impacts on the downstream-derived EDR products. The process of updating the LUT requires substantial testing and verification to ensure functionality and scientific accuracy, which can take up to two weeks to complete resulting in a calibration error which can exceed requirements.
In August of 2012, an update to the calibration algorithm was made that converted the temporally static calibration table to time-varying calibration table increasing the accuracy of the table over time. In this presentation, I will show results of this calibration algorithm update and how it improved the calibration accuracy and stability resulting in higher quality SDR and EDR products.
This submission is just a placeholder for the full abstract I will submit in the coming week.