Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 11:15 AM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
As the first of next generation operational polar-orbiting environmental satellite program, Suomi NPP is bringing valuable global earth surface and atmospheric satellite observations to the international community for both real-time weather prediction operations and climate change studies. In order to make use of satellite observational datasets to support NOAA daily operations at any time, it is necessary to know well about the satellite and onboard instrument on-orbit operational status and performance in real time. The existing NOAA/STAR real time on-orbit instrumental performance and sensor data product quality monitoring package in Integrated Calibration/Validation System (ICVS) for NOAA POES has been upgraded for NPP monitoring to support both pre- and post-launch calibration/validation tasks and will be extended for future JPSS program instruments, including ATMS, CrIS, VIIRS, and OMPS. This monitoring package also serve as satellite and instrument performance long term trending tool during the entire mission to record any satellite and instrument anomalies into metadata files for climate data records production. A global and regional satellite data quality monitoring module is developed to characterize the NPP/JPSS SDR data products relative to both NCEP and ECMWF global forecasts (6-hour guess fields) as well as measurements from the reference sensors such as NOAA/METOP-A instruments through WMO Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) baseline algorithms (e.g. Simultaneous Nadir Overpass, SNO and Double Difference Technique, DDT).