Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 4:00 PM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
The JPSS Proving Ground Program's primary objective is to maximize the benefits and performance of NPP/JPSS data, algorithms, and products for downstream operational and research users (gateways to the public) through three themes: 1. Detailed characterization of data attributes such as uncertainty (accuracy and precision) and long-term stability 2. Engaging users to enhance their applications (and develop new ones) by working together to facilitate optimal utilization of JPSS data, algorithms and products in combination with other data sources through onsite/offsite demonstrations, experimental data streams, and intercomparisons of enhancements with baselines 3. Education, Training and Outreach
The JPSS Proving Ground Program has identified opportunities to team with NOAA users, the national and international research community and academia to bring JPSS data products into a wide-variety of operational environments. Initiatives include the active involvement of National Weather Service operational forecast and modeling centers to quickly assimilate Suomi National Polar Program data into real world missions and National Weather Program global and regional models. This session will provide preliminary results of these efforts and identify the goals and objectives of future plans.