Thursday, 10 January 2013: 9:00 AM
Ballroom G (Austin Convention Center)
The GOES-R satellite has the operational capability for near-continuous observation to enhance our nation's ability to observe, predict, and communicate weather and climate data at a new level of fidelity and timeliness. GOES-R meets performance requirements while performing satellite operations like station keeping and offloading momentum wheels, and does not require a yaw flip of the satellite at any time of the year. Similarly, the fault management architecture for GOES-R is constructed around an emergent philosophy that allows for fault containment at the component level and the avoidance of unnecessary safe hold entries for the satellite. Together, these features strive toward 100% availability for this advanced weather satellite, assuring the acquisition and downlink of vital Earth and space observation data used for weather prediction. This presentation discusses these advanced capabilities and how they are harmonized in the GOES-R system architecture to achieve assured observation.