Tuesday, 8 January 2013: 11:45 AM
Room 12A (Austin Convention Center)
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Weather Service are working together to document user needs for improved climate, weather and hydrologic information supporting short-term water management decisions (www.ccawwg.us). Short-term includes a collection of by operational outlooks having look-ahead ranging from days to seasons (generally <1 year, but sometimes longer). This continuum represents a broad mix of management objectives and decision processes, including flood risk reduction during coming hours to days, conserving snowmelt over coming days to weeks, and anticipating water supply availability for multiple beneficial uses over coming months to seasons. To set the stage for needs discussion, the Corps and Reclamation conducted a use and needs assessment among internal operations groups during Spring 2011. The purpose was to ask them about a menu of Federal climate, weather and hydrologic information products made available to the water management community, whether these products are accessed, which decision-situations they inform, and to what degree they're decision-influential. Results are summarized in the documentation effort accessed at the link above. This presentation focuses on Reclamation responses and specifically to management situations that involved monthly to seasonal operations outlook development (i.e. snowmelt management or water supply anticipation). This presentation is complemented by another in this session (D. Raff, presenting on Corps responses related to shorter-term river regulation). Presentation will summarize responses and offer insights on where products are accessed, applied, and ultimately found to be decision-influential. It will also highlight feedback pointing toward needs in monitoring, forecast improvement, understanding product utility in water management, and information enterprise.