Sunday, 6 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (666.5 kB)
Spaceborne radars provide great opportunities to investigate the vertical structure of clouds and precipitation. Two typical spaceborne radars for such a study are the Wband Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) and Kuband Precipitation Radar (PR), which are onboard NASA's CloudSat and TRMM satellites, respectively. Compared to Sband groundbased radars, they have distinct scattering characteristics for different hydrometeors in clouds and precipitation. The combination of spaceborne and groundbased radar observations can help the identification of hydrometeors and improve the radarbased quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE). This study analyzes the vertical structure of the 18 January 2009 storm using data from the CloudSat CPR, TRMM PR, and a NEXRADbased National Mosaic and Multisensor QPE (NMQ) system. Microphysics above, within, and below the melting layer are studied through an intercomparison of multifrequency measurements. Hydrometeors' type and their radar scattering characteristics are analyzed. Additionally, the study of the vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) reveals the brightband properties in the coldseason precipitation and its effect on the radarbased QPE. In all, the joint analysis of spaceborne and groundbased radar data increases the understanding of the vertical structure of storm systems and provides a good insight into the microphysical modeling for weather forecasts.