Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 10:30 AM
Room 13AB (Austin Convention Center)
Recently developed discovery systems offer promise for one-stop search and retrieval. In a typical system, the strategy begins by harvesting massive amounts of metadata and by creating a common index. With the presence of faceted elements, users get a convenient way to evaluate and refine searches. Integration, by combining local and licensed resources, builds value and further improves a user's experience. Overall, these discovery systems are efficient, and data visualization exposes highly useful information. Benefits from modern discovery systems are significant, but pools of data and information are often unexploited due to myriad reasons. Native databases and platforms developed by publishers remain a viable and valuable asset. Native database systems and publisher platforms offer different approaches to indexing, depth of coverage, novel presentation of information, and ways to handle special data. Due to complexities of science, some information may not be particularly amenable to a common solution. Quality of innovation and the pace of development are a couple of factors which determine success and competitiveness of contemporary information systems in science libraries.