Sunday, 6 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
Handout (1.4 MB)
A front is the boundary between two air masses of different density. Usually accompanying the passage of fronts are changes in temperature, moisture, pressure, and wind direction. Precipitation can also accompany fronts. The time frame and order of the changes in these variables are not the same for every frontal system. We are deploying an experimental network of surface stations to quantify these changes in a sample of fronts. Our experiment is being conducted in northwestern Indiana from early October middle November 2012. The network is centered in West Lafayette, Indiana, and has north-south and west-east dimensions of 30 mi and 30 mi, respectively. Five WXT and two MAWS surface observing stations comprise the network. Data are collected at 10 minute intervals. Based on our assessment of frontal frequency from previous years, we expect to collect a sample of 10 fronts. At the conference, we will present the results of our detailed analyses.