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This presentation will examine precipitation data records from a number of sites across the United States in an attempt to understand whether normal monthly cumulative precipitation is made up of several days of little precipitation, or a few days of extreme precipitation. A 30-year climatology of daily precipitation totals spanning 1981-2010 has been gathered for ten different cities across the United States. Each city was selected based on climate, geographic location, topography, and proximity to water bodies. Only the months of April through September were studied to limit issues associated with measuring liquid equivalent from snowfall. Preliminary results indicate that months with smaller rainfall totals generally featured fewer precipitation events per month and larger percentages of the total monthly rainfall accumulating during the largest single event. Conversely, months with larger rainfall totals generally featured more precipitation events each month and smaller percentages of the total monthly rainfall accumulating during the largest single event. One of the main controlling factors for extreme precipitation events was found to be the distribution of convection.
Supplementary URL: https://ams.confex.com/ams/93Annual/webprogram/Paper224773.html