Sunday, 6 January 2013
Exhibit Hall 3 (Austin Convention Center)
While complete radiosonde ground systems have become much more affordable in recent years (such as the iMet 3150 system), upper air sounding still remains out-of-reach for many groups and institutions. One possibility is to use inexpensive equipment such as the various Vaisala RS-80 sondes that are available from surplus sources. As a part of the Student Operational ADRAD Project (SOAP) summer undergraduate research program, Texas A&M students have obtained a Vaisala PP-11 radiosonde processor and have interfaced it with off-the-shelf radios. The system is being tested with various radio and antenna combinations for maximum range, and with both iMet-1 and RS-80 sondes in the balloon train for data comparison. We report on both radiosonde range results and data comparisons with the iMet system.
One issue with surplus RS-80 sondes is that the older versions used the nowdefunct Omega navigation system for winds. However, building on previous summer SOAP research, we are using pilot balloon theodolites with the RS-80 system to acquire wind data when cloud conditions permit. There exists a possibility of extending our National Weather Service partnership to provide on-demand radiosonde launches with this system if sufficient performance can be demonstrated. The low cost also offers the possibility of non-traditional educational usage of such a system in the K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) arena.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner