Physical interactions between the ocean, atmosphere, and hydrosphere in the coastal zone are the subject of many open questions that are being addressed by ocean modelers. Characterizing these interactions at the air-sea-land interfaces remains highly uncertain due to limited observations, complex physics, and fine temporal and spatial scale interactions among the physical processes. While observations provide some insight into present and past trends and variability, regional coastal ocean modeling is attempting to fill the gap between global models and the beach. There is a growing demand from many quarters for reliable information and predictions at highly resolved scales in the multidisciplinary coastal environment. This session will focus on forecast systems being applied in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone It will include operational, pre-operational and transition model-based forecast systems. Presentations on atmosphere-ocean-wave model coupling, global (or basin scale) ocean model coupling to regional scale models, and coastal ocean-hydrologic model coupling are welcome. Papers addressing uncertainty estimates of the predictions at coastal scales are also welcome. Contributions from operational or quasi-operational groups that are providing ocean modeling support are encouraged, as are presentations that address approaches, innovations, issues and user support.