Monday, 7 January 2013: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Room 12B (Austin Convention Center)
Hosts: (Joint
between the Town Hall Meetings;
and the Third Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python
Johnny Wei-Bing Lin, Physics Dept, Bothell, WA
Travis Oliphant, Continuum Analytics, Inc., Austin, TX; Kurt W. Smith, Enthought, Inc., High Performance Computing, Austin, TX and Davide Del Vento, NCAR, Boulder, CO
What is Python? Perhaps you've heard about this modern, open-source programming language but are wondering what it's all about and how does it relate to the atmospheric and oceanic sciences (AOS). If so, this Town Hall meeting is for you! At this meeting, we'll describe what Python can do for AOS users and have a time where you can ask questions about implementing and supporting Python for AOS modeling and analysis. While anyone interested in learning about Python is welcome, the Town Hall meeting will be geared for non-programmers and decision-makers and will focus on how Python can help your institution be more productive. For additional information, please contact Johnny Lin (e-mail:

See more of: Town Hall Meetings