Sunday, 6 January 2013: 10:15 AM-11:15 AM
Ballroom BC (Austin Convention Center)
Host: 12th Annual Student Conference
Daniel A. Rothenberg, MIT, EAPS/PAOC, Cambridge, MA
Three speakers will give 15-minute oral presentations about how their careers incorporate meteorology in a creative way outside of the typical norms of forecasting, research, and academia.
10:15 AM
"Small is Beautiful: Science as if People Mattered." Raj Pandya, UCAR/SOARS, Boulder, CO
10:30 AM
"Teaching High School Students: Exciting the Next Generation of Meteorologists." Jeff Yuhas, Concord Carlisle High School, Concord, MA
10:45 AM
"Communicating in a Time of Crisis: The Waldo Canyon Fire." Matt Meister, KRDO, Colorado Springs, CO
11:00 AM
"Defining the Lines for Joint Military Typhoon Forecasting in the Pacific." Capt. Ashley Evans, Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Honolulu, HI

See more of: 12th Annual Student Conference