Wednesday, 19 October 2011: 10:45 AM
Grand Zoso Ballroom Center (Hotel Zoso)
Observed fire spread rates from 240 laboratory fires in horizontally-oriented single-species live fuel beds were compared to predictions from various implementation and modifications of the Rothermel rate of spread model and a physical fire spread model developed by Pagni and Koo. Packing ratio of the laboratory fuel beds was generally greater than that observed in natural stands of chaparral. Fuel bed moisture content was greater than that in Rothermel's or in Wilson's data. Correlation between observed and predicted spread rate was 0 for Rothermel's original model and ranged from 0.07 to 0.49 for the other implementations and modifications of the Rothermel model. Correlation between observed and predicted rate of spread for the Pagni/Koo model was 0.74 and 0.89 in chamise and broadleaf chaparral fuel beds, respectively. Additional comparison with the Albini physical fire spread model will be presented.