16th Biometeorology and Aerobiology

Session 6A

 Human Biometeorology: Heat (parallel with session 6B)
 Chair: Laurence S. Kalkstein, Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware, Marco Island, FL
10:30 AM6A.1The development of heat stress watch warning systems for five European cities: results from the European Union PHEWE project  
Glenn R. McGregor, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
10:45 AM6A.2Human perception and response to heat warnings  
Scott Sheridan, Department of Geography, Kent State University, Kent, OH
11:00 AM6A.3Heat wave mortality in large U. S. cities  extended abstract wrf recording
Robert E. Davis, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA; and P. C. Knappenberger, P. J. Michaels, and W. M. Novicoff
11:15 AM6A.4The relationship between extreme heat and ambulance response calls for the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada  
Timothy J. Dolney, Kent State University, Kent, OH
11:30 AM6A.5The impact of high temperatures and heat-waves on mortality in Budapest, Hungary  
Shakoor Hajat, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom; and R. S. Kovats, A. Paldy, and J. Bobvos
11:45 AM6A.6Bio-climatological aspects of summer 2003 over France  
Jean-Claude Cohen, Météo France, Paris, France; and J. M. Veysseire

Thursday, 26 August 2004: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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