Fifth Conference on Urban Environment
13th Confernce on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorolgy with the Air and Waste Management Assoc

Joint Poster Session 1

 Urban and Regional Air Quality Forecasting (Joint between the Fifth Symposium on the Urban Environment and the 13th Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA)
 JP1.1The use of air quality models to estimate the local and transboundary influence during smog episodes  extended abstract
Gilles Morneau, MSC, Montreal, QC, Canada; and N. Pentcheva
 JP1.2STOSOS—A Study of Ozone in the Vancouver - Whistler -Pemberton Corridor  
Stephanie K. Meyn, B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Surrey, BC, Canada; and I. McKendry, J. Krzyzanowski, T. Ashman, and D. Jaffe
JP1.3Modeling aerosol formation and photochemistry in point source plumes with the CMAQ plume-in-grid system  
James M. Godowitch, NOAA/ARL, Research Triangle Park, NC
 JP1.4Evaluation of AIRPACT-2, a numerical, photochemical air quality forecast system, for ozone, particulate matter (PM2.5), and selected air toxics in the Pacific Northwest  
Abdullah Mahmud, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and J. Vaughan, J. Chen, J. Avise, H. Westburg, and B. Lamb
 JP1.5Stability assessment from surface-based temperature measurements  extended abstract
Gail M. Roth, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada; and M. Rossetto and P. L. Jackson
 JP1.6Incorporating a Full-Physics Meteorological Model into an Applied Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System  extended abstract
Larry K. Berg, PNNL, Richland, WA; and K. J. Allwine and F. C. Rutz
 JP1.7Assessment of the Wind Regime Peculiarities and Pollution Transfer for Tashkent  
Ludmila Shardakova, Central Asian Research Hydro Meteorological Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; and L. V. Usmanova, D. A. Shulgin, and E. Alekseev
 JP1.8Wavelet analysis of urban and rural surface flux  extended abstract
Pierre Durand, CNRM CNRS-Météo-France, Toulouse, France; and J. L. Attié, D. Lambert, and G. Pigeon
 JP1.10High Resolution Ozone Modeling in Portland/Vancouver Airshed  
Ying Xie, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and B. Lamb and J. Chen
 JP1.11Ambient VOC measurements in Mexico City  extended abstract
Brian Lamb, Washington State University., Pullman, WA; and E. Velasco, E. Allwine, H. Westberg, S. Herndon, B. Knighton, E. Grimsrud, T. Jobson, M. Alexander, and P. Prezeller

Wednesday, 25 August 2004: 5:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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