Joint Poster Session JP1.6 Incorporating a Full-Physics Meteorological Model into an Applied Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System

Wednesday, 25 August 2004
Larry K. Berg, PNNL, Richland, WA; and K. J. Allwine and F. C. Rutz

Handout (459.3 kB)

A new modeling system has been developed to provide a non-meteorologist with tools to predict air pollution transport in regions of complex terrain. This system couples the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) with Earth Tech’s CALMET-CALPUFF system using a unique Graphical User Interface (GUI) developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. This system is most useful in data-sparse regions, where there are limited observations to initialize the CALMET model. The user is able to define the domain of interest, provide details about the source term, and enter a surface weather observation through the GUI. The system then generates initial conditions and time constant boundary conditions for use by MM5. MM5 is run and the results are piped to CALPUFF for the dispersion calculations. Contour plots of pollutant concentration are prepared for the user. The primary advantages of the system are the streamlined application of MM5, limited data requirements, and the ability to run the coupled system on a desktop or laptop computer. Tests of the new system using data from the URBAN 2000 field campaign in Salt Lake City are ongoing.
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