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As a preliminary validation of the models, concentrations predicted by MESO are compared to experimental data from a wind tunnel test (Cowan, Castro and Robbins 1995). A brief overview of the wind tunnel test is as follows. First, a 1:200 full scale model of an L-shaped building is placed in a wind tunnel and the building is oriented at both 0° and 45° to the impinging wind. Then a neutrally buoyant tracer gas is emitted from a door in the building, and concentrations of this gas are measured at a lateral cross section downwind from the building.
RUSTIC/MESO is setup with the initial conditions of the wind tunnel experiment, and the steady-state concentrations predicted by the models are compared to the wind tunnel data at this lateral cross section. At most heights, a favorable comparison is seen for both concentration magnitudes and lateral distribution of the gas; validating the models in this idealized scenario.