12th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association


Estimation of dry deposition of dust in association with a Yellow Sand event observed over South Korea during 25 to 28 January 1999

Soon-Ung Park, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; and M. S. Park

Dry deposition of total suspended particulate (TSP) in South Korea has been estimated for an extraordinary Yellow Sand event observed during 25 to 28 January 1999 using the inferential method with the use of measured TSP concentrations and surface meteorological data observed in South Korea. This event is a rare event observed in the Korean peninsula in terms of its occurring time and intensity. The TSP deposition fluxes are largely dictated by TSP concentrations rather than deposition velocities that are influenced by local meteorological factors. The total dry deposition fluxes of TSP for this episodic case have been increased by a factor of 3.5 - 5.5 (263 - 274 kg/งด/day ) compared with those for the non espisodic case, indicating the potential importance of long-range transport of TSP associated with the Yellow Sand events on the Korean eco-environmental systems.

extended abstract  Extended Abstract (412K)

Session 4, particulates, aerosols, and related phenomena (PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SESSION START TIME HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL PROGRAM)
Monday, 20 May 2002, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM

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